A 41-year-old woman, known only as Asuo from Bronsankro in the Tano South District of the Brong-Ahafo Region, on Boxing Day during the Christmas festivities, stripped herself naked in public and rubbed her buttocks on the streets, cursing her husband for his inability to buy Christmas dresses for their children.
The incident was reported to the chief of the town and DAILY GUIDEsources claimed that Asuo was found guilty and fined GH¢1,000, three rams, two bottles of Schnapps and quantities of eggs to pacify the gods for her abominable act.
However, she was yet to pay the fine as at press time last night. The husband, Kofi Antwi, a farmer, has reportedly vowed to divorce her for showing her private parts to the public and cursing him.
Speaking to DAILY GUIDE on telephone to explain what caused the misunderstanding, an elder brother of Antwi, Yaw Boafo, said the woman was angry with her husband because he failed to buy already sewn dresses for their five children for Christmas. “She became furious because she said instead of Antwi buying 'already made' dresses for the children, he went and bought wax print to be sewn for them,” Mr Yaw Boafo explained.